It's a rare character trait for people to set beyond ordinarily high standards and goals. This is true in both work and life. I'd love to list examples and be a blogger that educates and proves herself. However, I am not at that level (YET!) Therefore, this blog, as it more resemblence a journal, and this post will remain about me. I hope to remain one of those few people that are always looking to do something difficult or new or exciting.
For instance, in life, some people may hope that they will one day sky dive. I am one of those people. I put sky-diving on a pedestal and looked forward to that one day when I will eventually get the courage to jump in a plane then jump out. Sky-diving is an ordinary goal. It is a high goal, meaning that it is not for everyone. However, I try to look for extraordinarily high goals. I found out that for the price of one jump (with a person on your back) and video is roughly a similar price to TWO flight lessons. That is, you can get in a plane and begin learning to drive it.
This was exciting to me!! My goals have changed. Of course I would still love to sky-dive one day, but I would LOVE to take control of a plane as well. I have yet to look into flight classes. But I have tried something equally, if not more exciting. This summer I went out on a WWII fighter jet. I was allowed to take control of the wheel and fly around myself (with someone in the second seat, of course) Then, we did the coolest flips and spins and turns in the airplane. The experience was remarkable!!!!!
All geared up and flying!!
Taking control of the plane!
Annnndddd finally: A very bumpy video!!
The second part of this blog regards the wonderful task of job hunting. Sending out resumes, researching companies, etc... First of all, I believe that I set my standards extraordinarily high. I recently graduated college with a finance degree which includes a minor in international business and (I found out too late) 1 class shy of an economics minor as well. I have the education. However, I also have the working experience. I worked in a corporate environment for 3 years and I know what I am looking for in a future career. I researched the companies I want to work for. I've sent out resumes this week. I realized yesterday that I ran out of companies that I want to work for! With the exception of accidently missing one or two, I have completely covered applying for any company that I would wish to work for. Some people might argue that I am setting my standards too high considering economic conditions and my lack of 5 year experience. I disagree. I will not settle for a mediocre career that I stumbled into while sending out 359 resumes. I set my standards extraordinarily high but I can live up to them. I can meet all the expectations that are required of me.
It is uncommon for people to set standards and goals above their already high standards and goals. But without that character trait, how are we ever pushing ourselves to do more? What happens after you sky-dive and after you land an ordinary job? Does that make you satisfied? If it does, than that is great for you. I am very different. I need to push myself and constantly set new, higher goals. It is what it is, I guess. Enjoy your day.
P.S. Things I dislike: paying for networking opportunities, posting resumes to a job-seeker website; replying to recruiters. I enjoy the opportunites to speak and meet people rather than impersonal resume sites and hired people who are hiring you for a completely different company. I love real, old-fashioned networking!! Perhaps I need to get kicked into this century. For now, just a copy of my semi-almost-fabulous resume: