Donation due: May 15th (40 days away!)
Donations so far: $100
Minimum Donations Remaining: $900
$900 dollars in 40 days is going to be very tough!
$22.50 a day!
Please donate here:
I don't know my exact link, but this should bring you directly to my information page!
Pics of exploratory trip:
My last post has the itinerary of the first official volunteer trip.
"Program Information
We will be collaborating with Alma Fletes, director of the Aldeas Infantiles SOS program in Jinotega. Alma has the responsibility for operating three community centers for pre-school children. The children attend the centers while their mothers are working or looking for work. The intention of the program is that the children receive a breakfast and lunch, and also receive some stimulating learning activities. The program is new and very under-resourced. We met with Alma in December and showed her a copy of the Orphanage Outreach calendar and newsletter. She began to cry, and then said "I'm sorry, I'm very happy for the children of the Dominican Republic to receive such resources; I just hope that one day the children of Jinotega will be so fortunate."
So, our focus during the July trip to Jinotega will be to use our volunteer resources to provide learning activities to the children in Alma's three community centers, to use our funds to improve the facilities and provide resources, and to bring needed donations to the centers."
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